
30 NOV 2023

Why Workplaces Thrive with Diverse Age Groups

More and more organisations are finding out that bringing different generations together in the workplace can improve efficiency. Take this report published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which revealed that a company with a share of older workers 10% above average was 1.1% more productive.

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But why exactly is a multi-generational team more productive? Below, we look at some of the reasons…

Broader Perspectives Enhance Creativity: Workforces that span multiple generations bring varied viewpoints, greatly enriching the brainstorming process.

Diverse Ages Lead to Smarter Decision-Making: Mixing different age groups can sharpen decision-making abilities, with studies showing a noticeable improvement in choices made by age-diverse teams.

Boosts Employee Loyalty: Contrary to some beliefs, a blend of younger and older employees can lead to reduced turnover rates. Research indicates lower employee turnover in companies with a higher proportion of older staff.

Promotes Knowledge Exchange: The presence of different age groups facilitates mentorship opportunities. Experienced employees can offer invaluable guidance to younger colleagues, enhancing overall productivity.

Cultivates a Positive Work Culture: A multi-generational team fosters a sense of belonging among employees, which is crucial for employee engagement and, consequently, productivity. Inclusive work cultures make employees feel more connected and valued, irrespective of their age

So, how do you embrace age diversity and get your roles seen by this audience?

By advertising in the right place - that’s why we have partnered with Rest Less the UK's fastest growing digital community for the over 50s with over 1.1 million members. This gives us access to a rapidly growing talent pool and highlights your college as an age-inclusive employer.

Rest Less are just one of the many job sites your advert will automatically be listed on - to attract diversity you need to be diverse with your advertising.

That’s why onlyFE are always adding new job sites and fresh audiences to our vast media network.