
3 JUL 2023

Summer Fridays: does your college need them?

Summer Fridays, a practice where employees leave early on Fridays during the summer months, have been gaining popularity in various companies. The positive impact on productivity and employee retention has been observed in organisations such as Kellogg's, Asos, and PwC. As more companies recognise the benefits, it raises the question: should your workplace adopt this practice?

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Benefits of Summer Fridays:

According to a 2022 report by PwC, 90% of their staff believed that Summer Fridays had a positive impact, with 73% reporting a significant improvement in their general wellbeing. This feedback prompted PwC to permanently include Summer Fridays in their employee benefits package.

Kellogg's, a cereal maker, implemented a summer hours scheme two decades ago, allowing office-based employees to finish at 12 pm on Fridays from May to September. Melanie Bowes, the HR Director for Kellogg's UKI, highlighted the positive outcomes of this initiative. The shortened workweek enables employees to recharge and unwind, positively impacting their mental and physical wellbeing. Notably, it also leads to increased productivity and motivation. Additionally, embracing flexible schedules reduces presenteeism and encourages a culture of adaptability within teams.

Expanding the Concept:

While Summer Fridays have gained attention, it is important to consider whether flexible working arrangements should be limited to a specific season. The success of the UK's recent four-day week trial, which reduced the standard working week to 32 hours, highlights the benefits of reduced hours throughout the year. Companies participating in the trial witnessed a decrease in sick days and a lower likelihood of staff resignations.

Andrew Jackson, co-founder of work visualisation tool Rethinkly, emphasises that companies should not restrict flexible working arrangements to summer alone. He suggests that organisations should offer genuine perks year-round to alleviate stress and foster a positive company culture.

Implementation and Considerations:

To successfully introduce a flexible working arrangement, Jackson advises companies to engage in open dialogue with employees, leadership, and clients. By capturing employees' thoughts, hopes, and concerns through well-designed conversations, companies can ensure a smooth transition. It is crucial for all employees to adopt the practice for it to be effective. Managers should refrain from sending emails on the designated day off, and clients or customers need to be informed about the company's reduced working hours.

As companies like Kellogg's, Asos, and PwC experience the positive effects of Summer Fridays, the practice is gaining traction in the corporate world. Employees' wellbeing and productivity receive a significant boost when they have time to recharge and work flexibly. However, it is important to remember that flexible working arrangements should not be confined to summer alone. Companies can create a positive work environment and promote productivity by adopting a year-round approach to reduced working hours. By involving employees, leadership, and clients in the implementation process, organisations can ensure a successful transition to flexible schedules, improving overall employee satisfaction and retention.