
20 JUL 2023

Millions to benefit from new flexible working measures

The Flexible Working Bill has achieved Royal Assent, granting millions of British workers increased flexibility in their work arrangements.

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Under this new legislation, employees will have the right to request flexible working from the start of a new job, with employers required to consider and respond to such requests within two months. The bill encompasses various forms of flexible working, including part-time, flexi-time, and remote work options, offering employees more control over their work-life balance.

Apart from benefiting workers, the bill is expected to be advantageous for British businesses as well. Companies embracing flexible working have the potential to attract top talent, enhance staff motivation, and reduce staff turnover, ultimately leading to improved productivity and competitiveness. A 2019 manifesto commitment has been met with the passing of this act, aligning with the goal of promoting flexible working in the UK labor market.

The new protections for workers include the requirement for employers to consult with employees before rejecting their flexible working requests, allowing employees to make two statutory requests per year instead of one, and reducing the decision-making period to two months instead of three. Additionally, employees will no longer need to explain the effect of their proposed changes on the employer, simplifying the process for requesting flexible arrangements.

The call for evidence on non-statutory flexible working aims to gain insight into informal flexible working practices, improving understanding for both employers and employees. Acas, in response to the legislation, will update its statutory Code of Practice to provide clear explanations and good practice advice on handling flexible working requests.

Charity Working Families, along with the Flexible Working Taskforce and CIPD, is relaunching the "Happy to Talk Flexible Working" campaign to help employers recognise the benefits of flexible working and to offer guidance on designing and advertising flexible roles. The campaign aims to encourage employers to adopt a positive approach to flexible working and build inclusive and high-performing workplaces.

Overall, the Flexible Working Bill marks a significant step towards fostering work-life balance, enhancing employee satisfaction, and promoting greater flexibility in the UK labor market, benefiting both workers and businesses alike.