
30 NOV 2023

Green Skills Crisis - New Research Shows Most Young People Don't Know What Net Zero Means

The Prince’s Trust and Public First have today launched a report into young people’s perceptions of the green economy, finding that awareness and interest in green jobs is worryingly low. 

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The article from FE News highlights a concerning gap in young people's awareness and interest in green jobs, crucial for achieving Net Zero goals. The Prince's Trust and Public First's research found that only 27% of young people understand the term 'green jobs'. There's a notable lack of interest in essential roles like heat pump installers or retrofit coordinators. This gap is more pronounced among those not in education, employment, or training (NEET), with a 10% lower confidence in understanding these concepts​​.

The study, titled "Generation Green Jobs?", surveyed 2,054 young people aged 16-25. It revealed that less than half could name the types of jobs in the green economy, even after explanation. The lack of exposure to green jobs in education, especially among NEETs and young women, is a contributing factor. Most young people do not see green jobs aligning with their career priorities like job security and progression, viewing these roles as poorly paid and academically oriented​​.

The Prince’s Trust is addressing this by introducing green skills modules into their 'Achieve' program in schools across the UK, aiming to educate about the green economy and Net Zero's impact on employment. They are also piloting a Retrofitting program in 2024 to provide practical experience and job-specific skills​​. Mike Crowhurst of Public First emphasises the need to better communicate the benefits of green jobs and make training more accessible to engage young people effectively​​.