
24 MAY 2023

Careers Guidance: Benefiting Both Young People and Adults

When reminiscing about careers advice, one may recall the school days when they patiently waited outside a borrowed classroom on an uncomfortable plastic chair, anticipating their turn with the careers counsellor. Memories might include the discussions about future prospects and the definitive list of qualifications deemed necessary to confidently pursue a chosen occupation.

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For those who are older, this experience may have occurred during a time when envisioning a well-defined career path stretching out ahead seemed entirely feasible. However, in today's unpredictable working world, not only individuals at the beginning of their professional journeys find themselves contemplating their career direction, pondering what employers seek, and seeking ways to best prepare for the next phase of their working lives.

Numerous external factors, including economic crises, technological advancements, the pandemic, and geopolitical conflicts, have reshaped both national and global labor markets. Consequently, the nature and quality of jobs have undergone transformations, as have the expectations placed upon both employers and employees.

Workers now rightfully anticipate the necessity of enhancing their skills, acquiring new proficiencies, and adapting to evolving roles. However, they require a well-integrated and established skills system that places career guidance at its core. Such guidance can help individuals comprehend the current skills in demand and, more importantly, offer the necessary support to acquire and maintain the skills required to meet future employer expectations.

Link to the full article.