
21 AUG 2023

Businesses Embrace Shift Towards Apprenticeship Hiring

The landscape of hiring practices in UK businesses is undergoing a significant transformation, with a growing interest in incorporating apprenticeships into recruitment strategies.

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A recent report by Tiro, a prominent training provider for science and technology apprenticeships, sheds light on this trend, revealing insights from both a comprehensive survey and a roundtable summit discussion involving experts and professionals in the science and technology sectors.

The report underscores the evolving nature of talent acquisition, indicating that 59% of businesses are considering shifting a portion of their graduate scheme participants into degree apprenticeships. This shift is driven by the desire to integrate academic learning with hands-on skill development, providing a more comprehensive approach to early career growth. By fostering talent internally through degree apprenticeships, businesses aim to establish a skilled professional pool that can advance within the company without the traditional need for a university degree.

Over the last three years, 38% of businesses have hired level 6 apprentices through degree apprenticeships, 37% have recruited level 4-5 apprentices through higher apprenticeships, and 30% have employed level 3 apprentices through advanced apprenticeships. This blended approach to hiring highlights the versatility of apprenticeship programs in catering to various skill levels and career stages. Nonetheless, the study emphasises that university graduates continue to be a vital component of recruitment, with 71% of businesses actively recruiting from this talent pool.

Looking ahead, the report anticipates a shift in recruitment dynamics, with 46% of businesses expecting an increase in overall hiring, and 40% planning to expand their apprentice recruitment. This suggests a growing recognition of the value apprenticeships bring to nurturing a diverse and skilled workforce.

The report also delves into the challenges faced by businesses in managing their talent pipeline. These challenges include addressing skills gaps (72%), retaining staff (67%), managing remote work expectations (66%), attracting candidates from diverse backgrounds (56%), and building a sustainable talent pipeline (69%). Such concerns reflect the changing nature of work and the need for adaptable approaches to workforce management.

Annette Lewis, UK Operations Training and Development Lead at AstraZeneca, shared her insights from the Tiro science recruitment summit. She highlighted the importance of workplace readiness for early career talent and the significance of flexibility in addressing the needs of this dynamic workforce. Collaboration and communication emerged as crucial elements for fostering a thriving work environment, particularly in industries like science and technology.

The report concludes by shedding light on the broader science sector, indicating that pipeline issues are prevalent. A quarter of hiring decision-makers believe that the science sector would benefit from non-university routes into jobs, and 24% suggest that inadequate science experiences in school contribute to the shortage of early career talent in the field. As a result, professionals in the science sector view apprenticeships as a means to enhance the long-term talent pipeline.

In essence, the report highlights the growing acceptance of apprenticeships as a valuable avenue for talent acquisition and development in UK businesses. The shift towards blending academic learning with practical skill-building demonstrates a holistic approach to nurturing a capable and diverse workforce, equipped to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving job market.

To download ‘The evolving hiring landscape’ report from Tiro, visit: